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Reliable Residential Metal Garage Installation in Harmony, NC

Enhance Your Home’s Value

Finding a reliable solution for residential metal garage installation can be overwhelming. Homeowners often face issues such as poor quality materials, delays, and contractors who fail to understand their needs, leading to stress and dissatisfaction. At High Quality Steel Structures, we specialize in alleviating these frustrations by providing tailored solutions right here in Harmony, NC.

As a trusted provider, we ensure that each residential metal garage installation is handled with precision and care, delivering not just a structure, but a valuable addition to your home. Our experienced team uses only the highest quality materials, ensuring durability and a seamless fit with your property’s aesthetics. Choose us for your garage needs and experience the ease and satisfaction of a professionally handled installation that enhances both the functionality and appearance of your home.

5 Residential Metal Garages

Tailored Garages to Complement Your Lifestyle

We offer comprehensive residential metal garage solutions that cater to individual preferences and requirements. Our services encompass residential metal garage design and installation, ensuring each project is executed with an attention to detail that respects your specific desires. We understand the importance of aesthetics in home metal garage solutions, which is why each of our projects is designed to enhance your property’s appearance while providing practical benefits.

From the initial design consultation to the final construction, our team ensures that every aspect of your new garage meets the highest standards of quality and functionality. Whether you need a simple storage solution or a sophisticated space for your hobbies, our residential metal garage services are designed to deliver a product that increases your home’s value and your satisfaction.

Build Your Dream Garage with Us Today!

Are you ready to add a new dimension to your home with a custom-designed metal garage? High Quality Steel Structures in Harmony, NC, is here to turn your vision into a reality. As experts in residential metal garage installation, we are dedicated to providing solutions that not only meet but exceed your expectations.

Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that each garage we install enhances both the functionality and aesthetic of your property. Don’t wait any longer to give your home the upgrade it deserves. Reach out to us today and let us help you design and install the perfect metal garage that will serve your needs for years to come.

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Graphics Color

Regular Roof Style A-Frame Roof Style Vertical Roof Style
12×20 $5,622.50 12×20 $5,752.50 12×20 $6,142.50
12×25 $6,532.50 12×25 $6,662.50 12×25 $7,182.50
12×30 $7,449.00 12×30 $7,579.00 12×30 $7,969.00
12×35 $8,365.50 12×35 $8,495.50 12×35 $8,885.50
12×40 N/A 12×40 N/A 12×40 $9,802.00
14×20 $6,467.50 14×20 $6,597.50 14×20 $6,987.50
14×25 $7,507.50 14×25 $7,637.50 14×25 $8,157.50
14×30 $8,554.00 14×30 $8,684.00 14×30 $9,074.00
14×35 $9,600.50 14×35 $9,730.50 14×35 $10,120.50
14×40 N/A 14×40 N/A 14×40 $11,167.00
16×20 $6,467.50 16×20 $6,597.50 16×20 $6,987.50
16×25 $7,507.50 16×25 $7,637.50 16×25 $8,157.50
16×30 $8,554.00 16×30 $8,684.00 16×30 $9,074.00
16×35 $9,600.50 16×35 $9,730.50 16×35 $10,120.50
16×40 N/A 16×40 N/A 16×40 $11,167.00
18×20 $6,467.50 18×20 $6,597.50 18×20 $6,987.50
18×25 $7,507.50 18×25 $7,637.50 18×25 $8,157.50
18×30 $8,554.00 18×30 $8,684.00 18×30 $9,074.00
18×35 $9,600.50 18×35 $9,730.50 18×35 $10,120.50
18×40 N/A 18×40 N/A 18×40 $11,167.00
20×20 $7,052.50 20×20 $7,182.50 20×20 $7,572.50
20×25 $8,157.50 20×25 $8,287.50 20×25 $8,807.50
20×30 $9,139.00 20×30 $9,269.00 20×30 $9,789.00
20×35 $10,380.50 20×35 $10,510.50 20×35 $10,900.50
20×40 N/A 20×40 N/A 20×40 $12,012.00
22×20 $7,637.50 22×20 $7,767.50 22×20 $8,157.50
22×25 $8,775.00 22×25 $8,905.00 22×25 $9,425.00
22×30 $9,919.00 22×30 $10,049.00 22×30 $10,439.00
22×35 $11,063.00 22×35 $11,193.00 22×35 $11,583.00
22×40 N/A 22×40 N/A 22×40 $12,857.00
24×20 $8,222.50 24×20 $8,352.50 24×20 $8,742.50
24×25 $9,392.50 24×25 $9,522.50 24×25 $9,912.50
24×30 $10,569.00 24×30 $10,699.00 24×30 $11,089.00
24×35 $11,745.50 24×35 $11,875.50 24×35 $12,265.50
24×40 N/A 24×40 N/A 24×40 $13,832
Regular Roof Style
12×20 $5,622.50
12×25 $6,532.50
12×30 $7,449.00
12×35 $8,365.50
12×40 N/A
14×20 $6,467.50
14×25 $7,507.50
14×30 $8,554.00
14×35 $9,600.50
14×40 N/A
16×20 $6,467.50
16×25 $7,507.50
16×30 $8,554.00
16×35 $9,600.50
16×40 N/A
18×20 $6,467.50
18×25 $7,507.50
18×30 $8,554.00
18×35 $9,600.50
18×40 N/A
20×20 $7,052.50
20×25 $8,157.50
20×30 $9,139.00
20×35 $10,380.50
20×40 N/A
22×20 $7,637.50
22×25 $8,775.00
22×30 $9,919.00
22×35 $11,063.00
22×40 N/A
24×20 $8,222.50
24×25 $9,392.50
24×30 $10,569.00
24×35 $11,745.50
24×40 N/A
A-Frame Roof Style
12×20 $5,752.50
12×25 $6,662.50
12×30 $7,579.00
12×35 $8,495.50
12×40 N/A
14×20 $6,597.50
14×25 $7,637.50
14×30 $8,684.00
14×35 $9,730.50
14×40 N/A
16×20 $6,597.50
16×25 $7,637.50
16×30 $8,684.00
16×35 $9,730.50
16×40 N/A
18×20 $6,597.50
18×25 $7,637.50
18×30 $8,684.00
18×35 $9,730.50
18×40 N/A
20×20 $7,182.50
20×25 $8,287.50
20×30 $9,269.00
20×35 $10,510.50
20×40 N/A
22×20 $7,767.50
22×25 $8,905.00
22×30 $10,049.00
22×35 $11,193.00
22×40 N/A
24×20 $8,352.50
24×25 $9,522.50
24×30 $10,699.00
24×35 $11,875.50
24×40 N/A
Vertical Roof Style
12×20 $6,142.50
12×25 $7,182.50
12×30 $7,969.00
12×35 $8,885.50
12×40 $9,802.00
14×20 $6,987.50
14×25 $8,157.50
14×30 $9,074.00
14×35 $10,120.50
14×40 $11,167.00
16×20 $6,987.50
16×25 $8,157.50
16×30 $9,074.00
16×35 $10,120.50
16×40 $11,167.00
18×20 $6,987.50
18×25 $8,157.50
18×30 $9,074.00
18×35 $10,120.50
18×40 $11,167.00
20×20 $7,572.50
20×25 $8,807.50
20×30 $9,789.00
20×35 $10,900.50
20×40 $12,012.00
22×20 $8,157.50
22×25 $9,425.00
22×30 $10,439.00
22×35 $11,583.00
22×40 $12,857.00
24×20 $8,742.50
24×25 $9,912.50
24×30 $11,089.00
24×35 $12,265.50
24×40 $13,832.00