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Get Reliable Barn Construction in Harmony, NC

Durable, Cost-Effective Solutions

Frustrated by the lack of durable and affordable storage options for your agricultural needs? Finding a reliable solution can be challenging, especially when you need a structure that offers both strength and cost-efficiency. The stress of inadequate storage, constant maintenance, and unreliable construction can be overwhelming. At High Quality Steel Structures in Harmony, NC, we understand these challenges and offer the perfect solution.

Our metal pole barns are designed for durability and ease of assembly, providing a reliable and economical solution for your agricultural and storage needs. Constructed with galvanized steel frames, our barns ensure long-lasting performance and minimal maintenance. With over 10 years of cumulative experience, our team is dedicated to delivering top-quality service and craftsmanship. We handle everything from consultation to final construction, guaranteeing a hassle-free process. Trust us to provide the reliable barn construction you need, offering relief from the stress and inconvenience of inadequate storage options.

19 Metal Pole Barns

Why Choose Our Reliable Barn Construction?

We offer reliable barn construction that stands out for its durability and cost-effectiveness. Our comprehensive service covers every step, from initial design to final construction, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. We use galvanized steel frames to provide exceptional strength and resilience, making our barns perfect for agricultural and storage needs. Our barns are designed for easy assembly, reducing the time and effort required for installation.

With our expertise in durable pole barn structures, we ensure each barn is built to last and meets your specific requirements. Our focus on quality control and customer satisfaction guarantees that your barn will meet the highest standards. Choose us for a reliable and economical barn construction solution. Our barns offer versatile storage options, protecting your valuable equipment and assets.

Get Started with Reliable Barn Construction Today!

Are you ready to invest in reliable barn construction? High Quality Steel Structures in Harmony, NC, is here to provide the perfect solution. Our metal pole barns are designed for durability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of assembly. We handle every aspect of the project, from consultation to final construction, ensuring a seamless experience. Our galvanized steel frames offer exceptional strength and minimal maintenance, providing a long-lasting storage solution.

With our focus on quality and customer satisfaction, you can trust us to deliver a barn that meets your specific needs. Contact us today to get started on your project and benefit from our expertise and commitment to excellence. Let us help you create a reliable and economical storage space tailored to your requirements.

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Regular Roof Style A-Frame Roof Style Vertical Roof Style
12×20 $5,622.50 12×20 $5,752.50 12×20 $6,142.50
12×25 $6,532.50 12×25 $6,662.50 12×25 $7,182.50
12×30 $7,449.00 12×30 $7,579.00 12×30 $7,969.00
12×35 $8,365.50 12×35 $8,495.50 12×35 $8,885.50
12×40 N/A 12×40 N/A 12×40 $9,802.00
14×20 $6,467.50 14×20 $6,597.50 14×20 $6,987.50
14×25 $7,507.50 14×25 $7,637.50 14×25 $8,157.50
14×30 $8,554.00 14×30 $8,684.00 14×30 $9,074.00
14×35 $9,600.50 14×35 $9,730.50 14×35 $10,120.50
14×40 N/A 14×40 N/A 14×40 $11,167.00
16×20 $6,467.50 16×20 $6,597.50 16×20 $6,987.50
16×25 $7,507.50 16×25 $7,637.50 16×25 $8,157.50
16×30 $8,554.00 16×30 $8,684.00 16×30 $9,074.00
16×35 $9,600.50 16×35 $9,730.50 16×35 $10,120.50
16×40 N/A 16×40 N/A 16×40 $11,167.00
18×20 $6,467.50 18×20 $6,597.50 18×20 $6,987.50
18×25 $7,507.50 18×25 $7,637.50 18×25 $8,157.50
18×30 $8,554.00 18×30 $8,684.00 18×30 $9,074.00
18×35 $9,600.50 18×35 $9,730.50 18×35 $10,120.50
18×40 N/A 18×40 N/A 18×40 $11,167.00
20×20 $7,052.50 20×20 $7,182.50 20×20 $7,572.50
20×25 $8,157.50 20×25 $8,287.50 20×25 $8,807.50
20×30 $9,139.00 20×30 $9,269.00 20×30 $9,789.00
20×35 $10,380.50 20×35 $10,510.50 20×35 $10,900.50
20×40 N/A 20×40 N/A 20×40 $12,012.00
22×20 $7,637.50 22×20 $7,767.50 22×20 $8,157.50
22×25 $8,775.00 22×25 $8,905.00 22×25 $9,425.00
22×30 $9,919.00 22×30 $10,049.00 22×30 $10,439.00
22×35 $11,063.00 22×35 $11,193.00 22×35 $11,583.00
22×40 N/A 22×40 N/A 22×40 $12,857.00
24×20 $8,222.50 24×20 $8,352.50 24×20 $8,742.50
24×25 $9,392.50 24×25 $9,522.50 24×25 $9,912.50
24×30 $10,569.00 24×30 $10,699.00 24×30 $11,089.00
24×35 $11,745.50 24×35 $11,875.50 24×35 $12,265.50
24×40 N/A 24×40 N/A 24×40 $13,832
Regular Roof Style
12×20 $5,622.50
12×25 $6,532.50
12×30 $7,449.00
12×35 $8,365.50
12×40 N/A
14×20 $6,467.50
14×25 $7,507.50
14×30 $8,554.00
14×35 $9,600.50
14×40 N/A
16×20 $6,467.50
16×25 $7,507.50
16×30 $8,554.00
16×35 $9,600.50
16×40 N/A
18×20 $6,467.50
18×25 $7,507.50
18×30 $8,554.00
18×35 $9,600.50
18×40 N/A
20×20 $7,052.50
20×25 $8,157.50
20×30 $9,139.00
20×35 $10,380.50
20×40 N/A
22×20 $7,637.50
22×25 $8,775.00
22×30 $9,919.00
22×35 $11,063.00
22×40 N/A
24×20 $8,222.50
24×25 $9,392.50
24×30 $10,569.00
24×35 $11,745.50
24×40 N/A
A-Frame Roof Style
12×20 $5,752.50
12×25 $6,662.50
12×30 $7,579.00
12×35 $8,495.50
12×40 N/A
14×20 $6,597.50
14×25 $7,637.50
14×30 $8,684.00
14×35 $9,730.50
14×40 N/A
16×20 $6,597.50
16×25 $7,637.50
16×30 $8,684.00
16×35 $9,730.50
16×40 N/A
18×20 $6,597.50
18×25 $7,637.50
18×30 $8,684.00
18×35 $9,730.50
18×40 N/A
20×20 $7,182.50
20×25 $8,287.50
20×30 $9,269.00
20×35 $10,510.50
20×40 N/A
22×20 $7,767.50
22×25 $8,905.00
22×30 $10,049.00
22×35 $11,193.00
22×40 N/A
24×20 $8,352.50
24×25 $9,522.50
24×30 $10,699.00
24×35 $11,875.50
24×40 N/A
Vertical Roof Style
12×20 $6,142.50
12×25 $7,182.50
12×30 $7,969.00
12×35 $8,885.50
12×40 $9,802.00
14×20 $6,987.50
14×25 $8,157.50
14×30 $9,074.00
14×35 $10,120.50
14×40 $11,167.00
16×20 $6,987.50
16×25 $8,157.50
16×30 $9,074.00
16×35 $10,120.50
16×40 $11,167.00
18×20 $6,987.50
18×25 $8,157.50
18×30 $9,074.00
18×35 $10,120.50
18×40 $11,167.00
20×20 $7,572.50
20×25 $8,807.50
20×30 $9,789.00
20×35 $10,900.50
20×40 $12,012.00
22×20 $8,157.50
22×25 $9,425.00
22×30 $10,439.00
22×35 $11,583.00
22×40 $12,857.00
24×20 $8,742.50
24×25 $9,912.50
24×30 $11,089.00
24×35 $12,265.50
24×40 $13,832.00