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Top-Notch Metal Farm Buildings in Harmony, NC

Built for Efficiency

Managing a farm requires reliable and durable structures, yet many farmers face challenges with inadequate buildings that fail to protect equipment and livestock. Poor design and construction can lead to significant stress and operational disruptions. At High Quality Steel Structures, we specialize in providing metal farm buildings that meet the highest standards of quality and functionality.

Based in Harmony, NC, we offer services from initial consultation to final construction, ensuring that every aspect of your farm building is tailored to your specific needs. Our galvanized steel frames guarantee durability and resilience, offering superior protection against harsh weather conditions. By choosing us, you can eliminate the frustrations associated with subpar farm buildings and enjoy the benefits of a well-constructed, reliable solution.

10 Metal Farm Building

Custom Metal Farm Buildings for Modern Agriculture

We understand the diverse needs of modern agriculture and provide metal farm buildings designed to meet those demands. Our services include agricultural metal buildings, farm equipment shelters, and steel agricultural buildings, ensuring that every structure is customized to fit your farm’s unique requirements. Constructed with galvanized steel frames, our buildings offer unmatched durability and require minimal maintenance.

Whether you need a large barn for livestock or a secure shelter for equipment, our metal farm buildings are built to last and designed for efficiency. Our team works closely with you to create a structure that enhances your farming operations, providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Trust in our expertise to deliver a building that supports your agricultural needs and stands the test of time.

Start Building Your Ideal Farm Structure with Us!

Are you ready to upgrade your farm with a durable and efficient metal farm building? High Quality Steel Structures in Harmony, NC, is here to help. Our team is dedicated to providing custom metal farm buildings that meet the specific needs of your agricultural operations.

We handle every step of the process, from design to construction, ensuring a seamless experience and a final product that exceeds your expectations. Investing in a quality farm building can significantly enhance your productivity and protect your assets. Reach out to us today to start planning your project and experience the difference that a well-built metal farm building can make for your farm.

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Regular Roof Style A-Frame Roof Style Vertical Roof Style
12×20 $5,622.50 12×20 $5,752.50 12×20 $6,142.50
12×25 $6,532.50 12×25 $6,662.50 12×25 $7,182.50
12×30 $7,449.00 12×30 $7,579.00 12×30 $7,969.00
12×35 $8,365.50 12×35 $8,495.50 12×35 $8,885.50
12×40 N/A 12×40 N/A 12×40 $9,802.00
14×20 $6,467.50 14×20 $6,597.50 14×20 $6,987.50
14×25 $7,507.50 14×25 $7,637.50 14×25 $8,157.50
14×30 $8,554.00 14×30 $8,684.00 14×30 $9,074.00
14×35 $9,600.50 14×35 $9,730.50 14×35 $10,120.50
14×40 N/A 14×40 N/A 14×40 $11,167.00
16×20 $6,467.50 16×20 $6,597.50 16×20 $6,987.50
16×25 $7,507.50 16×25 $7,637.50 16×25 $8,157.50
16×30 $8,554.00 16×30 $8,684.00 16×30 $9,074.00
16×35 $9,600.50 16×35 $9,730.50 16×35 $10,120.50
16×40 N/A 16×40 N/A 16×40 $11,167.00
18×20 $6,467.50 18×20 $6,597.50 18×20 $6,987.50
18×25 $7,507.50 18×25 $7,637.50 18×25 $8,157.50
18×30 $8,554.00 18×30 $8,684.00 18×30 $9,074.00
18×35 $9,600.50 18×35 $9,730.50 18×35 $10,120.50
18×40 N/A 18×40 N/A 18×40 $11,167.00
20×20 $7,052.50 20×20 $7,182.50 20×20 $7,572.50
20×25 $8,157.50 20×25 $8,287.50 20×25 $8,807.50
20×30 $9,139.00 20×30 $9,269.00 20×30 $9,789.00
20×35 $10,380.50 20×35 $10,510.50 20×35 $10,900.50
20×40 N/A 20×40 N/A 20×40 $12,012.00
22×20 $7,637.50 22×20 $7,767.50 22×20 $8,157.50
22×25 $8,775.00 22×25 $8,905.00 22×25 $9,425.00
22×30 $9,919.00 22×30 $10,049.00 22×30 $10,439.00
22×35 $11,063.00 22×35 $11,193.00 22×35 $11,583.00
22×40 N/A 22×40 N/A 22×40 $12,857.00
24×20 $8,222.50 24×20 $8,352.50 24×20 $8,742.50
24×25 $9,392.50 24×25 $9,522.50 24×25 $9,912.50
24×30 $10,569.00 24×30 $10,699.00 24×30 $11,089.00
24×35 $11,745.50 24×35 $11,875.50 24×35 $12,265.50
24×40 N/A 24×40 N/A 24×40 $13,832
Regular Roof Style
12×20 $5,622.50
12×25 $6,532.50
12×30 $7,449.00
12×35 $8,365.50
12×40 N/A
14×20 $6,467.50
14×25 $7,507.50
14×30 $8,554.00
14×35 $9,600.50
14×40 N/A
16×20 $6,467.50
16×25 $7,507.50
16×30 $8,554.00
16×35 $9,600.50
16×40 N/A
18×20 $6,467.50
18×25 $7,507.50
18×30 $8,554.00
18×35 $9,600.50
18×40 N/A
20×20 $7,052.50
20×25 $8,157.50
20×30 $9,139.00
20×35 $10,380.50
20×40 N/A
22×20 $7,637.50
22×25 $8,775.00
22×30 $9,919.00
22×35 $11,063.00
22×40 N/A
24×20 $8,222.50
24×25 $9,392.50
24×30 $10,569.00
24×35 $11,745.50
24×40 N/A
A-Frame Roof Style
12×20 $5,752.50
12×25 $6,662.50
12×30 $7,579.00
12×35 $8,495.50
12×40 N/A
14×20 $6,597.50
14×25 $7,637.50
14×30 $8,684.00
14×35 $9,730.50
14×40 N/A
16×20 $6,597.50
16×25 $7,637.50
16×30 $8,684.00
16×35 $9,730.50
16×40 N/A
18×20 $6,597.50
18×25 $7,637.50
18×30 $8,684.00
18×35 $9,730.50
18×40 N/A
20×20 $7,182.50
20×25 $8,287.50
20×30 $9,269.00
20×35 $10,510.50
20×40 N/A
22×20 $7,767.50
22×25 $8,905.00
22×30 $10,049.00
22×35 $11,193.00
22×40 N/A
24×20 $8,352.50
24×25 $9,522.50
24×30 $10,699.00
24×35 $11,875.50
24×40 N/A
Vertical Roof Style
12×20 $6,142.50
12×25 $7,182.50
12×30 $7,969.00
12×35 $8,885.50
12×40 $9,802.00
14×20 $6,987.50
14×25 $8,157.50
14×30 $9,074.00
14×35 $10,120.50
14×40 $11,167.00
16×20 $6,987.50
16×25 $8,157.50
16×30 $9,074.00
16×35 $10,120.50
16×40 $11,167.00
18×20 $6,987.50
18×25 $8,157.50
18×30 $9,074.00
18×35 $10,120.50
18×40 $11,167.00
20×20 $7,572.50
20×25 $8,807.50
20×30 $9,789.00
20×35 $10,900.50
20×40 $12,012.00
22×20 $8,157.50
22×25 $9,425.00
22×30 $10,439.00
22×35 $11,583.00
22×40 $12,857.00
24×20 $8,742.50
24×25 $9,912.50
24×30 $11,089.00
24×35 $12,265.50
24×40 $13,832.00