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Top Equestrian Builder in Harmony, NC

Custom Designs for Every Need

Building an equestrian facility that meets all your needs can be a challenging task, often fraught with issues such as substandard construction, delays, and designs that don’t fully accommodate your horses and equipment. These problems can lead to stress and inconvenience, impacting both your daily operations and the well-being of your horses. At High Quality Steel Structures, we specialize in creating custom equestrian buildings that eliminate these issues.

Located in Harmony, NC, our team is dedicated to delivering structures that combine durability with aesthetic appeal. Using galvanized steel frames, we ensure that your equestrian facility is not only robust and long-lasting but also tailored to your specific requirements. Our service includes everything from initial consultation to final construction, providing you with a seamless and satisfying experience. Choose us for a custom equestrian building that enhances your operations and gives you confidence.

11 Equestrian Buildings

Exceptional Quality for Custom Equestrian Buildings

We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality equestrian buildings that meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our services include custom metal commercial construction, galvanized steel commercial structures, and flexible metal building design, ensuring that every project is tailored to your specific requirements. We understand that equestrian facilities require unique considerations for space, ventilation, and durability. Our team works closely with you to design and construct a building that meets these needs, providing a safe and comfortable environment for your horses.

With our expertise in equestrian building, we use only the best materials and construction techniques to ensure your facility stands the test of time. From design to completion, our goal is to provide you with a structure that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, enhancing both the functionality and aesthetics of your property.

Get Started on Your Custom Equestrian Building Today!

Are you ready to enhance your equestrian operations with a custom-built facility? High Quality Steel Structures in Harmony, NC, is your trusted partner for all your equestrian building needs. As an experienced equestrian builder, we are committed to providing you with a structure that perfectly suits your requirements.

Our team of skilled professionals will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring a smooth and efficient project from start to finish. Investing in a custom equestrian building can significantly improve the functionality and safety of your operations. Contact us today to start planning your project and discover the benefits of a professionally constructed equestrian facility.

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Graphics Color

Regular Roof Style A-Frame Roof Style Vertical Roof Style
12×20 $5,622.50 12×20 $5,752.50 12×20 $6,142.50
12×25 $6,532.50 12×25 $6,662.50 12×25 $7,182.50
12×30 $7,449.00 12×30 $7,579.00 12×30 $7,969.00
12×35 $8,365.50 12×35 $8,495.50 12×35 $8,885.50
12×40 N/A 12×40 N/A 12×40 $9,802.00
14×20 $6,467.50 14×20 $6,597.50 14×20 $6,987.50
14×25 $7,507.50 14×25 $7,637.50 14×25 $8,157.50
14×30 $8,554.00 14×30 $8,684.00 14×30 $9,074.00
14×35 $9,600.50 14×35 $9,730.50 14×35 $10,120.50
14×40 N/A 14×40 N/A 14×40 $11,167.00
16×20 $6,467.50 16×20 $6,597.50 16×20 $6,987.50
16×25 $7,507.50 16×25 $7,637.50 16×25 $8,157.50
16×30 $8,554.00 16×30 $8,684.00 16×30 $9,074.00
16×35 $9,600.50 16×35 $9,730.50 16×35 $10,120.50
16×40 N/A 16×40 N/A 16×40 $11,167.00
18×20 $6,467.50 18×20 $6,597.50 18×20 $6,987.50
18×25 $7,507.50 18×25 $7,637.50 18×25 $8,157.50
18×30 $8,554.00 18×30 $8,684.00 18×30 $9,074.00
18×35 $9,600.50 18×35 $9,730.50 18×35 $10,120.50
18×40 N/A 18×40 N/A 18×40 $11,167.00
20×20 $7,052.50 20×20 $7,182.50 20×20 $7,572.50
20×25 $8,157.50 20×25 $8,287.50 20×25 $8,807.50
20×30 $9,139.00 20×30 $9,269.00 20×30 $9,789.00
20×35 $10,380.50 20×35 $10,510.50 20×35 $10,900.50
20×40 N/A 20×40 N/A 20×40 $12,012.00
22×20 $7,637.50 22×20 $7,767.50 22×20 $8,157.50
22×25 $8,775.00 22×25 $8,905.00 22×25 $9,425.00
22×30 $9,919.00 22×30 $10,049.00 22×30 $10,439.00
22×35 $11,063.00 22×35 $11,193.00 22×35 $11,583.00
22×40 N/A 22×40 N/A 22×40 $12,857.00
24×20 $8,222.50 24×20 $8,352.50 24×20 $8,742.50
24×25 $9,392.50 24×25 $9,522.50 24×25 $9,912.50
24×30 $10,569.00 24×30 $10,699.00 24×30 $11,089.00
24×35 $11,745.50 24×35 $11,875.50 24×35 $12,265.50
24×40 N/A 24×40 N/A 24×40 $13,832
Regular Roof Style
12×20 $5,622.50
12×25 $6,532.50
12×30 $7,449.00
12×35 $8,365.50
12×40 N/A
14×20 $6,467.50
14×25 $7,507.50
14×30 $8,554.00
14×35 $9,600.50
14×40 N/A
16×20 $6,467.50
16×25 $7,507.50
16×30 $8,554.00
16×35 $9,600.50
16×40 N/A
18×20 $6,467.50
18×25 $7,507.50
18×30 $8,554.00
18×35 $9,600.50
18×40 N/A
20×20 $7,052.50
20×25 $8,157.50
20×30 $9,139.00
20×35 $10,380.50
20×40 N/A
22×20 $7,637.50
22×25 $8,775.00
22×30 $9,919.00
22×35 $11,063.00
22×40 N/A
24×20 $8,222.50
24×25 $9,392.50
24×30 $10,569.00
24×35 $11,745.50
24×40 N/A
A-Frame Roof Style
12×20 $5,752.50
12×25 $6,662.50
12×30 $7,579.00
12×35 $8,495.50
12×40 N/A
14×20 $6,597.50
14×25 $7,637.50
14×30 $8,684.00
14×35 $9,730.50
14×40 N/A
16×20 $6,597.50
16×25 $7,637.50
16×30 $8,684.00
16×35 $9,730.50
16×40 N/A
18×20 $6,597.50
18×25 $7,637.50
18×30 $8,684.00
18×35 $9,730.50
18×40 N/A
20×20 $7,182.50
20×25 $8,287.50
20×30 $9,269.00
20×35 $10,510.50
20×40 N/A
22×20 $7,767.50
22×25 $8,905.00
22×30 $10,049.00
22×35 $11,193.00
22×40 N/A
24×20 $8,352.50
24×25 $9,522.50
24×30 $10,699.00
24×35 $11,875.50
24×40 N/A
Vertical Roof Style
12×20 $6,142.50
12×25 $7,182.50
12×30 $7,969.00
12×35 $8,885.50
12×40 $9,802.00
14×20 $6,987.50
14×25 $8,157.50
14×30 $9,074.00
14×35 $10,120.50
14×40 $11,167.00
16×20 $6,987.50
16×25 $8,157.50
16×30 $9,074.00
16×35 $10,120.50
16×40 $11,167.00
18×20 $6,987.50
18×25 $8,157.50
18×30 $9,074.00
18×35 $10,120.50
18×40 $11,167.00
20×20 $7,572.50
20×25 $8,807.50
20×30 $9,789.00
20×35 $10,900.50
20×40 $12,012.00
22×20 $8,157.50
22×25 $9,425.00
22×30 $10,439.00
22×35 $11,583.00
22×40 $12,857.00
24×20 $8,742.50
24×25 $9,912.50
24×30 $11,089.00
24×35 $12,265.50
24×40 $13,832.00