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Prime Commercial Metal Buildings in Harmony, NC

Reliable and Custom Solutions

Finding the right commercial metal building for your business can be a stressful and overwhelming process. Many business owners face challenges such as dealing with unreliable contractors, poor-quality materials, and designs that do not meet their specific needs. These issues can cause significant disruptions and delays, impacting your business operations and profitability. At High Quality Steel Structures, we specialize in providing comprehensive solutions for commercial metal buildings.

Located in Harmony, NC, we ensure every project is handled with expertise and precision, offering structures that are both durable and aesthetically pleasing. Our galvanized steel frames guarantee longevity and minimal maintenance, making our buildings a cost-effective choice. By choosing us, you can avoid the common frustrations and enjoy a seamless construction experience, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

12 Commercial Metal Building

Versatile and Durable Commercial Metal Buildings

We offer a range of services to meet the diverse needs of businesses looking for commercial metal buildings. Our expertise includes custom metal commercial construction, galvanized steel commercial structures, and flexible metal building design. Each building is tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring optimal functionality and visual appeal. Our galvanized steel frames provide exceptional durability, resisting harsh weather conditions and reducing maintenance costs.

From initial consultation to final construction, we work closely with you to ensure your building meets all your business needs. Whether you require a new office space, a warehouse, or a manufacturing facility, our commercial metal buildings are designed to support your operations effectively and efficiently. Trust in our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction for a building that stands the test of time.

Start Your Commercial Metal Building Project Today!

Are you ready to enhance your business operations with a custom commercial metal building? High Quality Steel Structures in Harmony, NC, is your trusted partner for all your construction needs. As a leading provider of commercial metal buildings, we are dedicated to delivering structures that meet the highest standards of quality and functionality.

Our team will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring a smooth and efficient project from start to finish. Investing in a commercial metal building can significantly improve your business’s productivity and growth. Contact us today to start planning your project and discover how our custom solutions can benefit your business.

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Graphics Color

Regular Roof Style A-Frame Roof Style Vertical Roof Style
12×20 $5,622.50 12×20 $5,752.50 12×20 $6,142.50
12×25 $6,532.50 12×25 $6,662.50 12×25 $7,182.50
12×30 $7,449.00 12×30 $7,579.00 12×30 $7,969.00
12×35 $8,365.50 12×35 $8,495.50 12×35 $8,885.50
12×40 N/A 12×40 N/A 12×40 $9,802.00
14×20 $6,467.50 14×20 $6,597.50 14×20 $6,987.50
14×25 $7,507.50 14×25 $7,637.50 14×25 $8,157.50
14×30 $8,554.00 14×30 $8,684.00 14×30 $9,074.00
14×35 $9,600.50 14×35 $9,730.50 14×35 $10,120.50
14×40 N/A 14×40 N/A 14×40 $11,167.00
16×20 $6,467.50 16×20 $6,597.50 16×20 $6,987.50
16×25 $7,507.50 16×25 $7,637.50 16×25 $8,157.50
16×30 $8,554.00 16×30 $8,684.00 16×30 $9,074.00
16×35 $9,600.50 16×35 $9,730.50 16×35 $10,120.50
16×40 N/A 16×40 N/A 16×40 $11,167.00
18×20 $6,467.50 18×20 $6,597.50 18×20 $6,987.50
18×25 $7,507.50 18×25 $7,637.50 18×25 $8,157.50
18×30 $8,554.00 18×30 $8,684.00 18×30 $9,074.00
18×35 $9,600.50 18×35 $9,730.50 18×35 $10,120.50
18×40 N/A 18×40 N/A 18×40 $11,167.00
20×20 $7,052.50 20×20 $7,182.50 20×20 $7,572.50
20×25 $8,157.50 20×25 $8,287.50 20×25 $8,807.50
20×30 $9,139.00 20×30 $9,269.00 20×30 $9,789.00
20×35 $10,380.50 20×35 $10,510.50 20×35 $10,900.50
20×40 N/A 20×40 N/A 20×40 $12,012.00
22×20 $7,637.50 22×20 $7,767.50 22×20 $8,157.50
22×25 $8,775.00 22×25 $8,905.00 22×25 $9,425.00
22×30 $9,919.00 22×30 $10,049.00 22×30 $10,439.00
22×35 $11,063.00 22×35 $11,193.00 22×35 $11,583.00
22×40 N/A 22×40 N/A 22×40 $12,857.00
24×20 $8,222.50 24×20 $8,352.50 24×20 $8,742.50
24×25 $9,392.50 24×25 $9,522.50 24×25 $9,912.50
24×30 $10,569.00 24×30 $10,699.00 24×30 $11,089.00
24×35 $11,745.50 24×35 $11,875.50 24×35 $12,265.50
24×40 N/A 24×40 N/A 24×40 $13,832
Regular Roof Style
12×20 $5,622.50
12×25 $6,532.50
12×30 $7,449.00
12×35 $8,365.50
12×40 N/A
14×20 $6,467.50
14×25 $7,507.50
14×30 $8,554.00
14×35 $9,600.50
14×40 N/A
16×20 $6,467.50
16×25 $7,507.50
16×30 $8,554.00
16×35 $9,600.50
16×40 N/A
18×20 $6,467.50
18×25 $7,507.50
18×30 $8,554.00
18×35 $9,600.50
18×40 N/A
20×20 $7,052.50
20×25 $8,157.50
20×30 $9,139.00
20×35 $10,380.50
20×40 N/A
22×20 $7,637.50
22×25 $8,775.00
22×30 $9,919.00
22×35 $11,063.00
22×40 N/A
24×20 $8,222.50
24×25 $9,392.50
24×30 $10,569.00
24×35 $11,745.50
24×40 N/A
A-Frame Roof Style
12×20 $5,752.50
12×25 $6,662.50
12×30 $7,579.00
12×35 $8,495.50
12×40 N/A
14×20 $6,597.50
14×25 $7,637.50
14×30 $8,684.00
14×35 $9,730.50
14×40 N/A
16×20 $6,597.50
16×25 $7,637.50
16×30 $8,684.00
16×35 $9,730.50
16×40 N/A
18×20 $6,597.50
18×25 $7,637.50
18×30 $8,684.00
18×35 $9,730.50
18×40 N/A
20×20 $7,182.50
20×25 $8,287.50
20×30 $9,269.00
20×35 $10,510.50
20×40 N/A
22×20 $7,767.50
22×25 $8,905.00
22×30 $10,049.00
22×35 $11,193.00
22×40 N/A
24×20 $8,352.50
24×25 $9,522.50
24×30 $10,699.00
24×35 $11,875.50
24×40 N/A
Vertical Roof Style
12×20 $6,142.50
12×25 $7,182.50
12×30 $7,969.00
12×35 $8,885.50
12×40 $9,802.00
14×20 $6,987.50
14×25 $8,157.50
14×30 $9,074.00
14×35 $10,120.50
14×40 $11,167.00
16×20 $6,987.50
16×25 $8,157.50
16×30 $9,074.00
16×35 $10,120.50
16×40 $11,167.00
18×20 $6,987.50
18×25 $8,157.50
18×30 $9,074.00
18×35 $10,120.50
18×40 $11,167.00
20×20 $7,572.50
20×25 $8,807.50
20×30 $9,789.00
20×35 $10,900.50
20×40 $12,012.00
22×20 $8,157.50
22×25 $9,425.00
22×30 $10,439.00
22×35 $11,583.00
22×40 $12,857.00
24×20 $8,742.50
24×25 $9,912.50
24×30 $11,089.00
24×35 $12,265.50
24×40 $13,832.00